Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Take Your Dog To Work Day June 24, 2011!!

Pet adoption and
rescue powered by
First celebrated in 1999, Pet Sitters International’s Take Your Dog To Work Day® was created to celebrate the great companions dogs make and to encourage their adoption from humane societies, animal shelters and breed rescue clubs. This annual event asks pet lovers to celebrate the humane-canine bond and promote pet adoption by encouraging their employers to support TYDTWDay by opening their workplace to employees’ four-legged friends on this one special day.

Take Your Dog To Work Day is Friday, June 24, 2011

On Friday June 24, 2011 businesses, animal shelters and pet-care professionals from around the world will work together to better the lives of shelter dogs everywhere.  Thousands of businesses will open their doors to employees’ furry, four-legged friends on this day in celebration of the great companions dogs make and to promote pet adoption.

Pet Sitters International invites your business to participate in this fun and worthwhile event.

We are asking every business--great and small--to become a true friend of the canine community by helping Pet Sitters International promote pet adoptions in a positive and proactive way!  Explore our site to learn how you can participate, register your business and spread the word.

© 2008-2011 Pet Sitters International, Inc. All Rights Reserved    Contact Us

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Memorial Day fun with your dog!

Family Fun with your pet at home this Memorial Day

Memorial Day is quickly approaching but there’s plenty of time to plan an awesome weekend with family, friends, and don’t forget your pet companions. With gas prices on the rise there’s no need to travel to far from home to enjoy the start of summer. PetTravel.com has gathered a few fun ideas to make your Memorial weekend memorable.

Enjoy the day at your favorite local park: Parks have many benefits. They’re a great place to enjoy summer weather, they’re usually rather inexpensive and the majority of parks are very pet friendly. Whether you’re grilling, camping, or just having a family get together you can always make the most of local parks. Just be sure to be a responsible pet owner and supervise your pets. With a little work, you can be proud of your pet’s manners in public.

Make a Splash: The ultimate summer activity! What better way to cool down then taking a swim at the pool, beach (just make sure it’s pet friendly) or lake with your pet? If you’ve got a dog that can’t resist the water, you’ll have a happy camper by the end of the day and probably a pretty tired one too. No pet friendly water activities available locally? No problem. Pick up a kiddie pool at a discount store for some inexpensive water fun!

Treat your sweetie: Show your pet how much you care with a trip to the local pet shop or better yet, make some homemade treats for your pet. You can find some excellent recipes all over the internet. Besides the appreciation of making them yourself, they can also be used as obedience tools or rewards after exercise and/or good behavior. Click here for some great recipes!

Bath time fun: Most of us have an extended weekend so let’s get productive. You’ve been meaning to give your dog or cat a bath but have been delaying the inevitable. Well, let’s get it done. Even if you don’t do it yourself, your pet will (eventually) thank you for being clean. Especially if you’re having a party later in the weekend, your pet will be the freshest face making an appearance!

Although Memorial weekend is an excellent way to catch up with friends, family and fun it is also a day to celebrate how proud and lucky we are to be Americans. Please don’t forget to commemorate all the U.S. soldiers (canines included!) who fight, got injured, or lost their lives while in the military service fighting for our freedom.

For more information on pet travel click here

May 16th, 2011 | Tags: memorial day, pet friendly, pet fun | Category: Pet Friendly Destinations

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dogs Benefit from Nutritional Supplements

Dogs Benefit from the Nutrition of Supplements

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 by: Melanie Grimes
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(NaturalNews) Dogs can benefit from taking supplements as well as human, and many pet owners are jumping on the doggie nutrition bandwagon. Sales of pet nutritional supplements in the United States increased by seven percent in 2009, according to the Nutrition Business Journal. Sales of human nutritional products increased as well but only by six percent. A few nutrients are known to provide maximum nutrition for dogs, including Omega-3s, glucosamine, antioxidant vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, and digestive enzymes. Pet stores now stock many of these dog supplements.

Digestive Enzymes for Dogs
Dogs who eat grass need the addition of digestive enzymes to their diet, according to the holistic vet, Dr. Jackie Obando at Mercy Vet. By adding a powered digestive enzyme to the food, the digestion improves and most grass eating is eliminated. There is nothing wrong with eating a little grass, but it can cause an upset stomach in some pets.

Omega-3 and Fish Oil for Dogs
Adding fish oil to a dog's diet helps them deal with inflammation. For dogs that have allergic dermatitis or food allergies, fish oil is an important nutrient to add to their diet. Dogs that are prone to arthritis can also benefit from the Omega 3s. Any joint problem and even cancers are helped by the addition of fish oil. The recommended dose is 150 mg a day for dogs under 15 pounds, and twice that amount for a medium dog. A large dog can take up to 450 mg a day.

Glucosamine for Dogs
Glucosamine has been shown to help with arthritis and joint conditions in humans, and it benefits pets as well. The daily suggested amount is 1000 mg a day, and this can be divided into two servings and given with each meal.

Coenzyme Q10 for Dogs
As dogs age, they may require Coenzyme Q10 to help with their heart health. The sign of a Co-Q10 deficiency in dogs is dry eyes. Though some other supplements are made specifically for dogs, this nutrient will have to be purchased in a human vitamin store. The dosage is 15 to 60 mg depending on the size of the dog.

Antioxidant Vitamin E
Humans and dogs alike benefit from antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E. Vitamin E helps maintain a healthy heart, which is important for many inbred, pedigree dogs. Vitamin E also helps with inflammation and cancer prevention in dogs. For a small dog, 200 IU is the daily dose, and up to 400 IU a day is good for a larger dog.