Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Safety For Your Pet!

Halloween Safety

Halloween can be a fun for people and pets, but let's be sure to play it safe while we're out there. 

Costumes - As with most things, simpler is better in the pet costume area. The more elaborate the costume, the more opportunity for a bad experience to happen. If your companion is wearing an outfit, be sure to supervise at all times so they don't eat the costume -- no one needs an emergency trip to the DVM.

Decorations - decorations, and candles too, should be kept out of pet's reach to keep them from eating the decor or even worse starting the house on fire.

Ding-Dong - many dogs get really agitated over the constant ringing of the doorbell, screaming children and talking outside the door on Halloween. There's nothing like a bunch of strangers in costumes coming up to your house to make any dog or cat a little crazy. If you want to hand out treats, it may be best if your pets are in a crate in a back room to help them stay calmer.

Candy isn't dandy - chocolate and candy aren't ever good for your pets, but Halloween presents more opportunity to access treats not meant for them. Chocolate and xylitol can be extremely toxic to your pets. Also potentially dangerous are lollipops and wrapped candy -- both present choking hazards and potential for obstructions or at the very least, an upset stomach.

Lost pets - loose pets are never a good idea, but Halloween offers an even more unusual landscape filled with costumes to spook your pet if they get loose. There is also potential of a prankster or an evil-minded individual to do something unpleasant to your pet. It's probably best to go outside with your pet on Halloween to help keep them safe in case they spook from sudden noises or strange costumes.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Halloween Safety For Your Dog

Halloween can be a fun time year for the whole family - even your dog. However, there are also many potential dangers and sources of stress for your dog. Just remember to keep your dog safe from these Halloween hazards.
  • Halloween Candy and Other Treats

    Remember that human treats are not usually good for dogs! Candy - especially chocolate - can be extremely toxic to your dog. Artificially sweetened candy, gum and other goodies may also contain xylitol, a highly toxic substance. Dogs may also ingest food wrappers, causing a risk of choking, upset stomach or gastrointestinal blockage. Various party snacks can be too salty and may contain ingredients that can poison your dog. Alcoholic beverages and dogs do not mix - they pose a significant risk of severe illness or even death! Keep all of these "human goodies" far out of your dog's reach. If you are not positive that you can keep your dog away from these hazards, then consider confining your pet to another area of your home during the festivities. Keeping appropriate dog treatsaround for your dog can be a great idea, but remember not to overfeed. Sliced carrots or apples (hold the caramel) can be tasty and healthy snack alternatives for people and dogs alike!