Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Memorial Day fun with your dog!

Family Fun with your pet at home this Memorial Day

Memorial Day is quickly approaching but there’s plenty of time to plan an awesome weekend with family, friends, and don’t forget your pet companions. With gas prices on the rise there’s no need to travel to far from home to enjoy the start of summer. PetTravel.com has gathered a few fun ideas to make your Memorial weekend memorable.

Enjoy the day at your favorite local park: Parks have many benefits. They’re a great place to enjoy summer weather, they’re usually rather inexpensive and the majority of parks are very pet friendly. Whether you’re grilling, camping, or just having a family get together you can always make the most of local parks. Just be sure to be a responsible pet owner and supervise your pets. With a little work, you can be proud of your pet’s manners in public.

Make a Splash: The ultimate summer activity! What better way to cool down then taking a swim at the pool, beach (just make sure it’s pet friendly) or lake with your pet? If you’ve got a dog that can’t resist the water, you’ll have a happy camper by the end of the day and probably a pretty tired one too. No pet friendly water activities available locally? No problem. Pick up a kiddie pool at a discount store for some inexpensive water fun!

Treat your sweetie: Show your pet how much you care with a trip to the local pet shop or better yet, make some homemade treats for your pet. You can find some excellent recipes all over the internet. Besides the appreciation of making them yourself, they can also be used as obedience tools or rewards after exercise and/or good behavior. Click here for some great recipes!

Bath time fun: Most of us have an extended weekend so let’s get productive. You’ve been meaning to give your dog or cat a bath but have been delaying the inevitable. Well, let’s get it done. Even if you don’t do it yourself, your pet will (eventually) thank you for being clean. Especially if you’re having a party later in the weekend, your pet will be the freshest face making an appearance!

Although Memorial weekend is an excellent way to catch up with friends, family and fun it is also a day to celebrate how proud and lucky we are to be Americans. Please don’t forget to commemorate all the U.S. soldiers (canines included!) who fight, got injured, or lost their lives while in the military service fighting for our freedom.

For more information on pet travel click here

May 16th, 2011 | Tags: memorial day, pet friendly, pet fun | Category: Pet Friendly Destinations

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